Tuesday, May 18, 2010


I've noticed that laundry is not the same since Baby J came to join our family.  I literally run at least one load everyday!  It is amazing how quickly we can fill the dirty hamper these days!  I used to have a certain way that I liked my clean laundry folded.  You know, everything wrinkle free right out of the dryer, turned right side out, folded in neat little stacks, and organized according to which drawer each garment called home.  (Yes, Garrett will agree with you!  Some say I suffer from a minor case of OCD.  I just call it being an organized clean freak!)  Well, my attitude towards laundry has drastically changed over the last 5 weeks.  I don't care how, when, or if each item gets folded and put away in the appropriate drawers/closets.  I'm only concerned that its clean and does not smell of pee, spit up, or last nights dinner!  AMEN!

My little helper today!  I was showing him that 98% of this load of clean clothes was due to him!!!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah it's especially bad when you have a spitter! I have to do a load of bibs and burp cloths every day!

    I can't believe how much he's changing already. I need to snuggle with him soon!
